Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sun Run!

Since my last post I have been continuing my efforts to stay fit and within my guidelines for healthy eating. I haven’t had a lot of progress with weight loss, but I know that is because I need to kick up my efforts, mainly with exercise. Since the new year I have been mostly doing walking, I have been going out before work or on breaks. I have also done a bit of swimming and various other activities. Last week I finally made it to they gym in the morning and I decided to hit up the treadmill and try a bit of running. I have never been able to do a lot of running, but since I started getting fit lately I have had the urge so I was pleased that I was able to run for 7 minutes at 5mph on my first try. That may not be very good for some, but for me it is pretty good. That first day I did walk/run intervals and managed to do 5K in just under 45 mins. I went again on the Friday morning and I was running late so I only had 40 mins, but my longest interval was 8 minutes and I ran half of the 20 minutes (in intervals).

I have since been ice skating, skiing and swimming, I find that variety is key to sticking with exercise. I have really been having lots of fun. I went night skiing last night, it was a bit scary since it was a bit icy, but I had a lot of fun. Skiing works different muscles than I am used to, so I was really sore after going for over 2 hours on Sunday then again last night. I am advancing in my skill, which is exciting for me, but my boyfriend seems to be a bit anxious for me to try harder runs, but I don’t want to push myself too much.

To continue to motivate myself I decided to enter the Vancouver Sun Run. It is a 10K run, although I realistically may not be running the whole race, it will be a good motivation for the next 2 months. I did the run once before, but I mostly walked it. My Mom was going to do it, she is quite into walking, but she had to drop out at the last minute so a friend and I did it, in the rain. It was a long day, but I am excited to try it again, and to actually train for it and see how good of a time I can pull off.

I looked at some 8 week training schedules, and I am not going to be too regimented about it but I am planning something along these lines. This is best case scenario, and I will not give up if I don’t stick perfectly to the schedule one week. 3 days a week running at the gym, 2 days doing other exercise and 2 days rest. I am planning to do more skiing until the season is over, also I plan to go ice skating with my son, and I also do enjoy swimming. I think that this should be a good plan to get me ready for the run, and to shed off the last pounds that I have hanging on.

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