Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 19

I am so exhausted today! I had some work issues that kept me awake for 2 hours after John got home from work at 2. I finally did get some more rest but not enough. I am going to see Said the Whale and Plants and Animals at the commodore tonight as well so it will be a long day. John wants to go to yoga later but I may be too sleepy.


I didn't do my 10am exercises but I just finished reorganizing our tubing room so I got a lot of exercise there. I will do the 2pm exercises.
2:40 Update
Here are my new totals:
  1. 370 Crunches
  2. 330 Reverse Crunches
  3. 125 Squats
  4. 290 Jumping Jacks
  5. 130 Wall Pushups
  6. 240 Side Leg Lifts
  7. 240 Rear Leg Lifts
Next Day Update
We got all ready for yoga but the class was cancelled :( I was so exhausted that I didn't mind too too much, but I would have liked to have gone, oh well.

Daniel and I went to Safeway and they wanted too much for their organic oatmeal so I still don't have any here. I had a protein smoothie for breakfast and I am going to have fiber cookies for my snack. I am not sure what I will have for lunch as I forgot to bring anything again, but I will have something healthy.
2:40 Update
I had a personal multigrai thai chicken pizza for lunch, took my PGX. I didn't have my snack, BAD! But I am almost done water #2. I am going to have my cookies now.
Next Day Update
Had a good dinner, 7 grain salad and mulitgrain melba toast, later on I had a glass of wine and some fiber cookies, probably a couple too many which should make for a fun day today. I also had a babydel and a vache qui rit lite cheese (goes so good with the wine).
Water Total

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